What's new in VIKTOR (Jan 2022)


What's new in VIKTOR (jan 22)
January's platform news and updates arer here! We have added some new functionality, such as the stepwise editor, dynamic array row label, redesign of DataView, and more! Keep on reading.
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Stepwise editor

With the release of the stepwise editor, developers are now able to better guide users through the editor by dictating the order of pages that a user visits. This means that instead of being able to freely move between pages, users move to the next or previous step with a ‘next’ or ‘previous’ button at the bottom of the page. We think that this makes it easier for users to efficiently use the app and that it helps with increasing the integrity of the data used in the calculations and the app’s overall usability.

Steps are defined in the parametrization similar to a ‘Page’, where the labels on the buttons can be customized too.

Find out how you can add steps to your apps in the documentation!


Dynamic Array Row Label

To make it easier to see which input a user is working with when generating a dynamic array with many inputs, we have added an index number to the dynamic array entries. Developers can also define a row label which will be shown behind the row number.

More information on the dynamic array row label can be found in the documentation.

row label

Redesign of DataView

An improved design of the DataView has been released that presents a better distinction between levels/layers.

This leads to a better and clearer navigation, which especially improves the experience of analyzing results in an elaborate DataView.

dynamic array

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Coming soon...

Python Virtual Environments for App development

At VIKTOR, we are continuously working on improving developer experience. That is why we are soon releasing functionality that enable the development of apps using Python virtual environments as isolation mode, instead of Docker. For Windows users, this removes a cumbersome step from the installation process, enabling native development and going from zero to a running app even faster!

Please note

In addition, Docker is changing the subscription model of Docker Desktop at the beginning of February. A possible consequence, depending on company size and company revenue, is that use of Docker Desktop requires a paid subscription from then on. If you use VIKTOR with a Python virtual environment, Docker is no longer a prerequisite to develop applications on the platform, so it is possible to keep using VIKTOR without the need for an additional Docker subscription.

Other Changes


  • New version v12.9.0 is now available


  • Introduction of a more performant frontend table library
  • Fixed an issue with the create entity dialog not showing the entity type selection in some cases
  • The create entity button is now disabled if a user doesn’t have create rights on the entity type
  • Changed primary colors to secondary in editor input and output buttons
  • Added markdown support for button descriptions
  • Added more distinct separation between DynamicArray entries
  • Added more space on the bottom of editor tab
  • Fixed alignment when using multiple side-by-side buttons in editor
  • Fixed the environment admin users table resetting on action click and resize
  • Fixed cross workspace entity types appearance when switching workspaces, caused by caching


  • New version v0.12.2 is now available
  • The provided username and token are now validated when using 'viktor-cli configure'
  • The 'check-system' command is extended to be more complete
  • The CLI is shipped with a Microsoft Installer on Windows
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