Create awesome apps, fast!
With nothing but Python

Build and distribute any web application you can imagine. VIKTOR is the development platform for the engineering and construction industry.

Start building with VIKTOR in few easy steps


Get your account for free and be up and running within minutes


Create user-friendly applications with a few lines of Python code


Instantly deploy all your apps to your organization’s cloud environment

Share and collaborate

Distribute your apps and collaborate on the best solution for your project

Integrate Software

Why reinvent the wheel? Effortlessly integrate with industry-leading software, the Python Ecosystem, and modern development tools to build powerful apps

3rd Party Software
Python Ecosystem
Development Tooling

Use ready-to-use integrations with industry-leading software solution and create powerful apps.
We provide everything you need to run software in the cloud, so that people don’t need licences to use your tools.

Share apps with everyone in your organization

All your apps in a single environment

Your organization's Cloud environment makes it easy to share applications and collaborate with colleagues

All your apps in a single environment

Create powerful and intuitive applications

Turn any workflow into a friendly app

Ensure user-friendliness

Creating apps for other people? User-friendliness is key. We enable you to:

  • Create intuitive apps with a modern and recognizable design

  • Divide your workflow into a series of logical steps

  • Use multiple options to add clear instruction for end-users

Manage your data in a single app

Enable users to create, manage and collaborate on different projects in a single app.

  • Create and manage projects inside one app

  • Share and compare data from your projects and designs

  • Work from a single point of truth and keep track of all changes

Focus on what matters

Let us automate the boring while you engineer the awesome. VIKTOR is a managed solution for everyone, from development-enthusiast to enterprises.

Managed Cloud

You don’t have to worry about infrastructure.


We automatically scale according to your needs.

High Availability

With a 99.9% uptime, you can rely on us.

Automated back-up

Never lose data, and have it is always available


We comply with the highest security standards.

World-class Support

Have a question? We generally reply within a day.