Heijmans builds generic parametric design applications to use in many projects

Generic parametric design applications that can be used to automate and optimize processes in many different projects; that is what Heijmans has been working on.
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Generic applications

Bart Vosslamber is an engineer at Heijmans and explains, “We have now made two applications. One parametrically calculates the pile bearing capacity for different CPTs, and the other calculates the required concrete cross sections (with reinforcing bars) under different loads.” The advantage of the applications is that they can be used in any project, despite the fact that every construction project is unique.

Recurring elements

No project is the same, but every project contains elements that often recur. Heijmans made applications precisely for those elements, so that these calculations no longer have to be done manually. Vosslamber: “We are convinced that the future lies in parameterization. You need building blocks that can solve the parametric issues. ” The applications are two of such building blocks. They make the process more efficient.

“We opted for an application about pile bearing capacity, because there are foundation piles in every project. And concrete cross sections must also be reinforced in every project. ” - Bart Vosslamber, engineer at Heijmans

Anticipating changes

The applications make changes more efficient, for example, and reports are easier to adjust. “Suppose something changes in the design, then all calculations have to be done again,” says Vosslamber. “The application allows you to redo those calculations with the push of a button.” This saves a lot of time, which leads to new ideas and the number of useful tools can increase.

More apps to come

There are now two applications and the goal is to expand that number. This expansion can be done in two ways, says Vosslamber, “We can now calculate a rectangular slab of concrete, which can be expanded to round sections. In addition, there are even more interesting applications for the future, for example for steel cross sections or load combinations. ” These expansions are also already planned at Heijmans.

Development with VIKTOR

The applications are made on the VIKTOR platform. Heijmans developed the applications themselves, where they first had training on how to do that. “We have chosen to do it ourselves, because we have the substantive knowledge about structures. When you work with it you are better able to specify what kind of tool you actually want. If I want this as a result, I have to ask it that way", explains Vosslamber.

Using VIKTOR to develop the applications went well. “At VIKTOR they are committed and they answer your questions quickly,” says Vosslamber.

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At Heijmans, they are happy with what the applications can do for them. Vosslamber, “With every construction we come up with, we have to provide a report to substantiate why the construction we have made is strong enough.” The application helps them to draw up that report easily, so that their clients can clearly see how, for example, a cross-section has been made and which calculations are involved.

Automation and parametrization

Heijmans would like to smarten up and focus on automation and parametrization. The two applications that have now been created are the beginning and more are already planned. Vosslamber, “With these applications we can work more efficiently in every project and we can invest more energy in smart solutions, which is very beneficial for both us and our customers.”


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